The increasing popularity of the internet has transformed the world we live in. Because of the internet, it has become commonplace to connect with individuals in any part of the world, gain in-depth knowledge on the human mind and, above all, watch hours and hours of movies online.
For organisations, the advent of the internet gave them an alternative approach to sell goods and services, as well as connect with clients everywhere around the globe.
What is a blog?
Basically, a blog is a webpage or site that is updated with fresh content on a routine basis, usually managed by one person or a few team of individuals that is designed and composed in a conversational or casual manner.
Websites such as BlogSpot, Tumblr, and WordPress provide individuals with the platform necessary to build their own personal blog or website where they can express their feelings or ideas on any subject they fancy. Over the past couple of years, we’ve witnessed the increasing popularity of food bloggers, fashion bloggers, lifestyle bloggers, finance bloggers, travel bloggers, beauty bloggers and so on. There are bloggers writing for virtually any specialty industry you can imagine.
So, why should I own one?
If you own a website, blogs are a great way to increase its value. They provide you with an avenue to interact directly with your existing and prospective customers and define your brand image. There are additionally various advantages to your SEO: As your posts are routinely indexed by web crawlers, it is considered to be more up-to-date, more pertinent and as such accorded higher ranking position by Google and other search engines. Higher rank positioning leads to increased publicity, which yields more sales!
Also, blogging helps you become established as an “expert” in your chosen field. The most ideal performing blog post is useful or potentially informational to your target audience, creating trust and giving them cause to explore further, or return at some point in future.
Blogging directs people to your site.
Do you want more visitors to visit your website? I do too.
Now, consider the ways through which visitors discover your site:
- They could key in your name directly into their browser, but that is a client you have already gained. They already know about you and your business, but that doesn’t increase your website traffic in any way.
- You could buy an email list for and blast them for increased traffic (don’t do it!), praying a few individuals are curious enough to open and click through the messages. This is however quite costly and as you are well aware, unlawful.
- You could seek increased traffic by setting up a huge number of paid promotions, which is legal though very costly. What’s more, the moment you stop investing money into it, your traffic dwindles, as well.
Hence, how can you increase traffic to your site? Answer: blogging, online networking, and web indexes. Here’s how to do it.
Consider the number of webpages your website. Obviously not that much, I presume? Now, consider how frequently you add fresh content to those pages. Obviously not that often, I presume? (How frequently can you actually refresh your About Us page?)
All things considered, blogging has the answer to both issues.
Each time you compose a blog entry, it’s one more indexed webpage for your site, meaning its one step higher for you to appear in web searches and direct people to your site through organic search results.
Blogging additionally helps with increasing your visibility through social media networking. Each time you compose a blog entry, you’re making content that individuals can share on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and so much more – which increases the visibility of your business to other potential customers who were previously unaware of your existence.
What should I blog about?
Your blog content ought to be dependent on what really matters to you, and subjects you are really knowledgeable on. This ought to ideally be the business you operate!
In the event that you can provide viable solution to a visitor’s problem, or furnish them with data on a subject they find interesting, they are significantly more inclined to become clients and, above all, to become returning clients.
In the event that you can expertly discuss certain problems influencing your business, your clients or your target market, they will become attracted to your brand and consider you an expert on the services or products you are offering them. Endeavour to always link your contents to the services or products you are offering clients to successfully convert them to paying customers, and expertise into inquiries.
How often should I update my blog?
A great many people normally work on a week by week cycle. If you look at TV programs, bin collections, the lottery and the work week, the lives of a vast majority of individuals are organised around weekly schedules, so based on how much engagement you are looking to generate, weekly blog posts are often great.
Once in two weeks or Monthly blog posts are also great, provided you set a schedule so your audience know when to visit and what to expect.
How frequent your blog or news area is updated with fresh content will likewise be based on how long and deep you make your blog entry. In the event that you are just blog once every month, your readers will anticipate your posts to be lengthy, thoroughly researched article or you may lose audience very fast.
Though it is easy to put together a personal article or journal post within minutes, a thoroughly researched article, with references, relevant links, and so on can require many hours thereby making the quality versus quantity argument the most important factor.
The objective of our blog is to post intriguing and valuable articles on SEO, copywriting, and the internet in general. Our goal is not just to help individuals fully comprehend the internet but to likewise redirect people to our webpage and increase our website rank positioning for selected keywords, such as ‘Website Design Dallas’
How do I make time for this?
We’re happy you asked. We fully understand the stress and time required to operate a business is enormous without having to add extra work to the plate, so why not allow us to help you create an amazing content strategy to assist you with accomplishing every one of the plans you have for promoting your business on the internet? We will like to become more acquainted with your business, get you started on crafting awesome content as soon as possible, and surpassing your expectations on the internet.
Photo Credit: “Blogging Research Wordle” (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) by Kristina B
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